For people who still think that videogames are kid's things, I'm sorry to inform you that this idea is already part of the past and changing your mind would be a good way. Videogame is also adult stuff, yes!
Did you know that the gaming industry makes more money annually than film and music together? Yeah! According to data from the Mundo Estranho, a brazilian website, the gaming industry only made more than $ 91 billion worldwide in 2016, while the movie industry grossed $ 38 billion, and finally, music, with $ 15 billion of dollars. It's numbers to be surprised, is not it? In Brazil alone, last year, online games moved more than R $ 4.9 billion, leading the ranking in Latin America. Are you impressed? Calm down, there's more.
Last year, the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) released a report with important sales, demographics and usage data for the United States, where 64 percent of US households have a device they use to play video games. And the average age of the players is, amazingly, 34 years, with 70% being over 18 years. A very curious fact is that women over 18 years of age represent 33% of the population that plays. Separating this audience into groups, the survey provides the following information: for male gamers, 17% are under 18, while 18-35 people represent 16%. From 36-49, there are 12%, and finally we have people over 50 who also love to play video games and represent 11%.
For the female audience, the numbers are: under 18 years represent 11%, 18-35 represent 16%, 36-49 are 12% and over 50 correspond to 11%. In addition, according to the survey, 70% of parents believe that video games create a positive influence on their children's lives; 90% of parents are present when their child purchases a video game and 94% pay attention to the games their children play. The report also showed that the average age of people who buy games is 36 years, with 61% men and 39% women. Another interesting fact is the devices that are used for the fun of the players: 41% opted for the computer, 36% for the smartphone, 36% for the consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch among others), 24% devices like tablets; 14% consoles of videogame of smaller size and, finally, 8% virtual reality.
Watching movies and paying attention to every detail of the screen, trying to understand the director's vision and the actors' attitude on the scene, as well as being surprised by a good story is simply fascinating. It has been part of my life since very early. But play games too. Nowadays, you have everything you can find in movies in the games. Yes, a lot of the new generation games used capturing images to simulate, with a lot of reality, every move taken to the games) and breathtaking graphics . And here is a key point: interaction. You are in control of the situation and you are the protagonist for each conquest and overcoming challenges within the game. The feeling of being able to control a character is indescribable. You may be a person who, perhaps, would never be in real life, such as an archaeologist, a hero, a thug, a pilot, a fighter or a football player, such as Neymar. You choose the game and who will be in the virtual world. Oh, and all this is possible to happen connected to people around the world. With a good internet connection, there are no limits to the fun in the world of games.
For each game to be released, a multitalent team needs to spend hours and hours planning, writing, creating, testing, and ultimately spreading years of work to their end customers: gamers around the world who are no longer restricted of age. For many people, the expressive number conquered each year by the gaming industry is directly linked to the sale of the games. But not only that. In each game, the player has the ability to turmoil your character with new clothes and highly powerful weapons. On PSN - PlayStation Network, for example, you can buy items available for that title you purchased, including clothes, weapons, artifacts, that can help you through the phases, among others. And there are so many cool accessories to buy that resisting is almost impossible.
One can not doubt the power of the billion dollar industry, and that of its players, who grow around the world. Always will have games for children, but will never fail to have games for adults, which are the biggest consumers of this fun money making factory.